dr. Klein Izabel

személyközpontú tanácsadó, intermodális művészetterapeuta

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Why expressive arts therapy?

“Art heals by accepting the pain and doing something with it.”

Shaun McNiff

When it’s not enough to talk anymore, we can turn to metaphores, images, pictures, movements, tunes, rhythms to discover our own story. And while we repaint the picture of our lives we can find the way to change and the wellbeing of the psyche.

Who can benefit from this process?

Anybody who feels the day has come when “the risk it takes to remain tight inside the bud is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom”*.

You can use it to experince the joy of life or to work on directions and solutions.

Also, through expressive arts therapy you can

find like-minded people, get a sense of belonging, feel more at home by discovering the cultural similarities and differences, the place where you are staying, and at last but not least, yourself.

All in all: you can feel more comfortable in your own skin.

No previous art experience is needed.

How does it work?

One art discipline is mainly based on the use of one of the senses (like music is based on hearing). Expressive arts therapy uses all five art disciplines (visual arts, movement and dance, music, poetry, drama) woven together – usually two or three within a session. So it makes us use many (all) of our senses (sensory modalities) – hence it is called intermodal. This method amplifies, focuses the feelings relevant in the given moment. Besides, this way we can stay longer in the special, “alternative” space created by art making, where surprises can catch the artist and she can find new aspects, even new narratives of her life.

Expressive arts therapy individual and group processes are available near to Oktogon, Budapest.


Dr. Izabella Klein

intermodal expressive arts therapist (a unique degree in Hungary)

*after Anais Nin